6 Ways To Celebrate Spring Equinox

Welcome to Spring! 

The perfect time to celebrate the freshness of life and of taking the time to raise your energy, regenerate abundance and manifest our dreams. Physically we’re experiencing more light right, lengthening days bring energy, hope and optimism. What seemed impossible in the dark months of winter can seem possible now. 

Since the beginning of time, our ancestors have marked this period with ritual and celebration.
These cultures celebrate the Spring Equinox in an elaborate ways:

  • Thailand - Songkran Water Festival: Sonkran taken from the word "astrological passage" is celebrated as New Year's day. Celebrated with street wide water "fights" or splashing.

  • India- Holi: A colorful festival that involves throwing colored powder to celebrate the many colors of spring.  

  • Iran and Central Asia - Norwruz: A day for spring cleaning, growth and bonfires. 

  • Mexico - Spring Equinox in Teotihuacan: People gather at the pyramid dressed in white to celebrate the new season and welcome in the coming warmth of the sun.

Seasonal festivals are times when we can reflect and think about where we’re going. Spring begins with the fiery zodiac sign of Aries and it's go-getting, assertive energy of change. If there are areas of your life where you need change, this is a good time to act.
Here are a few ideas for you to celebrate this new beginning:

1- Create an altar:
Make a space dedicated to your new intentions for the season. Adorn your space with bright colors, plants, and herbs that promote growth and healing. Place it in the sunshine to warm your hearts and minds after the dark months of winter. 

2- Wake up at Sunrise:
Rise early from bed to watch the sunrise and allow your body and mind to awaken to the new day with the sun. 

3-Spring cleaning:
We all know this one, some look forward to the yearly cleanse while others dread this time. Truth is, cleaning on the equinox and the few days around it, can boost your energy, open the windows and play music while the dust and stagnation of winter months is wiped clean. 

4- Welcome the outdoors:
Start hiking, or exploring new parts of your city you haven't seen before. Historically, spring equinox is a great time to travel and explore. Roads once closed from snow are now open with a brand new world of growth awaiting you. 

5- Donate to a worthy cause:
We live in a world in which every living being gives and receives in a continuous energy exchange. When you ask the universe for something, give something back. Donate some money to a charity of your choice, plant some seeds and nurture them, feed the birds. These small actions create an energy flow.

6- Gather with your loved ones:
Invite people over for a spring meal, building the menu around sustainable seasonal produce and fresh ingredients. Dress the table in greens, yellows, add some fresh  flowers and build the imagery of spring.

Do something fun, be playful. Invite in your Spirit to come play for a while. It’s spring time after all.....

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Much love,


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