How To Stay Healthy While Traveling?

Ready, set, fly!

You’re flying high and nothing can throw off the vibes. That is, until you feel that first sniffle…and know that the dreaded ‘vacation cold’ has arrived.
Coming down with a cold while jetsetting isn’t all that surprising. Traveling often exposes us to new environments (and new pathogens), which can put undue stress on our bodies and overwhelm our immune systems.
Our routines, like our sleep patterns, diet, and exercise regime, are also disrupted when we’re away from home. 

Prioritize good hygiene, adequate rest, and ample hydration, both before and during your trip. The weeks leading up to your trip, eat a diet rich in whole foods (such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein) to provide your body with immune-supporting essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins.
Here are some ideas to help you minimize the impact of travel on your immune system:

1- Keep it moving:
One of the most effective ways to stay healthy while traveling is to walk whenever possible. If you’re only a half-hour stroll away from the town center, then walk instead of taking public transportation or a taxi. Take advantage of the hotel gym, do some yoga in your room or go for a run.

2- Hydrate:
It’s easy to lose track of how much water you’re actually drinking when sightseeing and having fun. Keep a water bottle with you wherever you go, and get a good head start to the day by drinking a tall  glass of water with a squeeze of lemon as you wake up.

3- Sleep some more:
I know it isn’t always easy to get a full night’s rest while traveling. There is often so much going on during the evenings, whether you’re attending a show, talking the night away with fellow travelers, or exploring the city nightlife. However, sleep is essential to your health and well-being. Sleep studies have repeatedly revealed that a lack of sleep results in a wealth of physical and mental health conditions, like a weakened immune system. 

4- Nourish your immunity:
During your trip, lean on these nutrients:

  • B-Vitamins: Members of the B-vitamin family are crucial to producing immune system cells, and clinical studies have shown that deficiency compromises your immune function.

  • Zinc: This essential mineral helps your immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. 

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and can help to reduce inflammation in the body, in turn supporting immune function.

  • Vitamin D: important for immune function and can be obtained from sunlight exposure or supplements.

  • Ionic Trace Minerals: Ionic trace minerals, like magnesium, improve our white blood cell’s ability to seek out and destroy germs.

Safe travels!

Much love,


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